Learn how to choose which types of accounts to open.
Learn how to make a budget and save for the future.
Learn how to balance your checkbook and teach your children how to budget allowances.
Budgeting & Financial Assistance
Waukesha County Technical College The Waukesha County Technical College website has many resources for job interviewing tips, resumé-writing tips, internships, and career exploration. For more information, please visit their website: https://libguides.wctc.edu/friendly.php?s=careerconnections/resumes
MoneyandStuff.info This organization has many budgeting resources for various age groups. There are resources for adults to practice budgeting and how to balance a check book. There are also resources for teens and children on how to budget and save. There are practice worksheets for all age groups. To learn more, please visit their website: http://moneyandstuff.info/budget-worksheets/
USA.gov This government-based program helps low income families by providing funding for bills. The organization helps families pay for telephone bills, medical bills, energy bills, and prescription drugs. To learn more, please visit their website: https://www.usa.gov/help-with-bills
Community Advocates Community Advocates offers help to people who are homeless or low-income. Their services are provided with an aim of reducing and preventing homelessness. Their services include help with paying initial deposits for apartments, help with legally withholding rent payments, and help with paying rent and making up missed payments. To learn more, please visit their website: https://communityadvocates.net/what-we-do/tenant-landlord-programs.html
North Shore Investment Services North Shore Investment Services offer many free resources on their website. Resources include downloadable tax forms, retirement information, information on insurance, and retirement. To access these resources, please visit their website: http://www.northshoreinvestmentservices.com/resource-center/estate
HelloGrove.com HelloGrove helps individuals with financial planning. There is a free financial check up quiz on their website and they offer financial coaching over the phone. They also have resources such as financial planning guides. Membership is not necessary for their free resources but membership is available if interested. For more information, please visit their website : https://hellogrove.com/about
Job Services of Wisconsin Job Services of Wisconsin has a list of resources for individuals and families. Resources include information on how to budget on unemployment, managing personal finances, and how to find a credit counselor in Wisconsin. For more information, please visit their website: http://wisconsinjobcenter.org/otherassistance/personalfinances.htm
The Garrett Planning Network Garrettplanningnetwork.com has a search engine that allows users to search for financial advisors. For more information, please visit their website: https://www.garrettplanningnetwork.com/search_results
Social Development Commission The Social Development Commission offers a financial literacy program for low-income individuals. For more information, please call (414) 906-4613 or fill out an information form on their website: https://www.cr-sdc.org/financial-literacy The Social Development Commission is also part of the Money Help Line Coalition which offers toll free calling for financial assistance. The service provides resources for free or low-cost financial assistance in Milwaukee. The toll free number is 1.888.861.3111
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation offers financial classes and classes for entrepreneurs on how to grow and finance a business. They also provide small business loans. For more information, please visit their website: https://www.wwbic.com/