Let's be honest - I love eating. I love food and can't live without it. Both of my parents love to cook and they cooked so much during my childhood that their love for cooking got passed down to me. I'm 24 years old and I try to cook every time I can. My mother once told me that if I keep eating the way that I do that I am going to be as big as a house. She might be right! Over the years, I have noticed that everyone cooks differently. My mom loves to make beans, meatloaf, potato salad, and dressing (my personal favorite). My pops is from New Orleans so he tends to make southern foods like potato soup, smothered ribs, and red-eyed gravy. His red-eyed gravy is my favorite, and I could eat it every day (just kidding)! I think I get most of my cooking skills from my mom. I still need practice when it comes to trying to cook like my dad. It seems like I always forget something! My parents are both really difficult to get recipes from (you know, family secrets). My favorite simple foods to make are shrimp, hot wings, baked potatoes, and if I am really hungry I make salad with garlic bread to go with it. My second favorite food to make is tacos and nachos. does this post make you hungry like me?I would love to hear what you like to cook! If you post your recipe, maybe I will give it a try.
The sunshine has arrived. It’s time to break out those flip-flops and sunscreen… and then what? With restless little ones, it’s hard to always keep them occupied enough that they don’t drive you mad. Here are some helpful and handy activities you can use for your kids this summer that won’t break the bank and offer giggles for both child and parent. tin foil river
sensory playWhat you need: Storage bin, water or other substance, toys to play with, soap, and or food coloring. This is best used outside but can be used inside on rainy days as well. Just keep towels handy because substances will spill! For this activity a plastic storage bin works fine. The bigger it is the more it can hold. You may also be able to find water tables online that are purposefully designed for this and work well holding sand as well. Fill your bin with a substance of your choice. You can use water, sand, flour… ect. Just remember, if you are working with younger kids or toddlers they will most likely try things with their mouths too. When working with water, try adding soap for bubbles or food coloring to change the color of the water. Measuring cups, measuring spoons, toy cars, plastic animals, toy boats and rubber duckies are always fun options to add as well. sprinklerneighborhood walkWhat you need: Clipboard, Checklist, Shoes Take a checklist with you that your child can check off. Maybe add pictures if they are not at reading level and pick objects for them to find along the way. (Dog, cat, bunny, car, building, park, lake, flower… ect.) shaving cream paint
whipped cream dipWhat you need: Whipped cream, food coloring, and fruit. Whipped cream can be used in the same way as the idea above, but you can also have fun using it as a fruit dip. Cut up some delicious watermelon, apples, or even banana. It’s delicious and fun for you and the kids. bubblessidewalk chalkA classic activity that requires only two things. Chalk and a surface. Let your child’s imagination run wild. diy race car trackHAVE FUN & BE SAFE THIS SUMMER!!
October 2019