Do you ever wonder if you really make a difference? Those volunteer hours that you put in or that money that you donate to help support New Beginnings, does it really matter? How can that help possibly make a difference? It Does! A resident has graduated from the New Beginnings Program! It is all because of God's love working through your help and support! Here is Letisha's story and letter to all of you who have helped her along the way: Dear Supporters of New Beginnings, I am honored to write this letter. I came here to Milwaukee, and low and behold I found a great family with the staff of New Beginnings. Since joining the New Beginnings Family I have began to find a closer relationship with God, my child has gained many new aunts with staff, and I know I have friends for life. My growth here at New Beginnings is only through God’s Grace. Although rough at times this experience has only helped me grow as a mother, a Christian, friend, and soon to be wife. My now fiancé James Greyer also grew and gained much respect for New Beginnings and Staff. Because he was able to trust that his son and I would be in good hands he was able to go to school to get his CDL while also getting his life back on track. Because of my experience here at New Beginnings I have began taking Bible Information classes so that I will be able to join the Lutheran church and extend my volunteering for New Beginnings. More than anything I plan to give back to this great organization that saved my family from sin, along with God’s help. I truly believe that God worked through this foundation. My fiancé and I will be moving into our new apartment. We will also be married at Saint Marcus Church. But the best thing about all of this is the relationship that has grown with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Because of the daily devotions and one on one Bible studies I was able to learn about God, Son, and Holy Spirit. For that I will forever be grateful. Although I made some mistakes along the way again New Beginnings was right there to help me get back on track, for the first time in a very long time I feel like I’m headed in the right direction and New Beginnings along with God are cheering me on. Gratefulness is all that is flowing in my heart, and by myself volunteering at New Beginnings I hope to give as much as they gave me back to another mom. Thanks, Letisha Thank you for everything you do! ![]() Letisha joined the New Beginnings Family in January of 2017 and had her son in May 2017. She is pursuing her education while making God and her children the center of her world. She has since graduated from the program but will continue in her journey as part of the New Beginnings Volunteer Family.
3. We have a wide range of opportunities available. Mentor. Tutor. Home Assistant. And so much more! The opportunities are endless and we have special projects all the time. And you know what? If you have a talent or interest you’d be willing to share with us that you don’t see covered in our current available opportunities, I bet we could use it! All you have to do is reach out to us and we will find a place for you! ![]() 4. Our moms are awesome! They are hard-working and hilarious and pretty fun to be around. We get to help them through some tough things and we get to celebrate their successes with them. Volunteering is always more fun when you get to spend time with great people! 5. You may get to hang out with some babies! I’ll let these pictures do the talking for this one:
7. You might learn something! Whether you’re forced to learn something in order complete a project or you learn something while helping a mom, chances are you’ll find out something you didn’t know before volunteering with us. I interned at New Beginnings prior to working here in the capacity that I do now and I deepened my knowledge in so many areas from interacting with and helping others to the day-to-day operations of a non-profit. Most importantly, I gained experience in a Christian environment and therefore strengthened my faith. As staff members, we are learning and growing in faith every day and you will too! 8. It’s great experience to add to a resume. No matter what you’re doing to help us, you’re gaining great experience that you could add to your resume! Want to practice a new skill? What better place is there to put that skill to use?
10. WE NEED YOU! Without the support of our donors and volunteers, New Beginnings could not continue to run and help moms here in Milwaukee. With the help of volunteers, we’re able to help more moms and do more to help the moms we already have here. The bottom line is that volunteers are vital to the success of our moms and our program as a whole. Your talents and time are needed here! “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:1
Well there is no better way to start a blog post than with a quiz! I hope I didn't scare you away. Are you still there? If so, stay with me. I promise this quiz is easy – all you have to do is make a mental check next to the statements that apply to you. You might be wondering why I am so curious to learn whether you know how to get a library card. The purpose of this quiz is to illustrate a point. If you are falling more into the purple box, odds are you grew up in generational poverty. If you are falling into the green box, more than likely you grew up middle class. Some of us might assume everyone knows how to get a library card – seems easy enough. The reality is that if you don’t know how to do some of the things in the purple box, you cannot possibly expect others to know the hidden rules of middle class. As you may have guessed, there is even a different set of “hidden rules” for wealth - all of which I did not know (but we won’t get into that)!
As Christians, we aim to meet people where they are at, and build our relationship with that person both interpersonally and emotionally. More importantly, we take that relationship a step further by sharing the saving message of God’s grace. Life isn’t always about understanding one another fully, but rather about forming relationships and meeting people where they are at. We don’t have to understand all of the hidden rules, but we should aim to acknowledge them. Let’s not always expect everyone to be like us, let’s not jump to conclusions about who they are, and let’s not judge on the basis of having little or having lots. When we do those things, we lose out on unique opportunities to help others grow (and probably grow ourselves too). Form relationships, share knowledge, share Christ, and through that power, change lives. I encourage you to form a relationship with someone who differs from you in some way. I can assure you that a relationship built on the foundation of Christ is never in vein. ![]() Brianne Hansen is the Executive Director at New Beginnings. She grew up in Marshall, WI and graduated from Lakeside Lutheran High School. Brianne has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from UW-Milwaukee and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Industrial Organizational Psychology. In her free time, she enjoys singing, camping, spending time with her dog (Bella) and cats (Mufasa & Jasmine), and going on adventures with her husband, Daniel. |
October 2019