Jesus Christ lived among mankind holy, the sinless one took our sins on himself, he died for mankind, and then God raised him from the dead on the 3rd day, according to Scriptures. We experience the power of the resurrection every day, so let’s not wait till Easter Sunday to talk about it. Our spiritual power lies in the victory of our resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ, who said after conquering death, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (Matthew 28:18) ![]() The women came to the tomb in love to mourn. "The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him. Now I have told you.” (Matthew 28:5-7). The women heard the news and they saw the evidence, the huge stone in front of the tomb had been rolled away, and they could see for themselves that the tomb was empty. There are at least 12 different appearances of Christ in the resurrection accounts. They were physical, tangible experiences with Christ eating, speaking, and allowing himself to be touched. He could transcend locked doors, and yet he could still be touched and he could eat. The stone was not rolled away from the tomb so Jesus could get out, in his resurrected state he could walk through the tomb walls if he wanted! The stone was rolled away so people could see, so they could witness that the tomb was empty. The resurrection was the beginning of a great missionary movement that has never ended and will not end until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. Praise the LORD. “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him;” … (Revelation 1:7) This missionary movement is called the Great Commission: “Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20). In conclusion, first, Jesus lived as our Substitute, He obeyed God’s law perfectly for us, and God credits his holiness to our account. Second, He died as our Substitute, God put all our sin on him, and Jesus Christ gave his life as a ransom payment for all. By his perfect life and His willing death Jesus cancelled our sins and set us as one with God. On the basis of Christ’s finished work all of humanity has been declared not guilty (justification). Salvation is a gift, earned by Jesus for all people, offered to all through the Gospel (Good News about Jesus), and received by faith. ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling.
In this blog, our New Beginning’s resident moms, and others, are sharing some of their struggles, joys, and how they balance the realities of motherhood. This blog is about wanting to give support to you and one another, and learning from each other. As Dr. Benjamin Spock said, “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” Keeping in mind that it helps to have a sense of humor about the hardest and greatest job in the world, here are some answers to some typical parenting questions. My biggest parenting success: Giving all the love my children can handle. Seeing my baby hit those developmental milestones, for example, when my child started walking. The day I, at the same time, collapsed my stroller, held my baby, and carried a bag of groceries! The day I ran out of diapers, got inventive, and discovered that using Viva paper towel to diaper my baby, really worked! My favorite “me time” indulgences: Having “shower time” after baby is asleep. Doing my hair, doing homework, cleaning, talking on the phone, all these daily activities that I use to take for granted, have become indulgences with baby here. My best day as a mom: Seeing my baby playing, having fun. When my child was potty trained. Giving my child a great Christmas. My worst day as a mom: When my children are sick. When there is a discipline problem. Failed naps. Whining. When I can’t seem to get any sleep. My best moment of the week: Bed time. Seeing my baby’s goofy smile really brightens my day. When my baby holds up her arms so I’ll pick her up. We hope you have been encouraged by this blog, and don’t forget to bestow your stories on others too. You never know if what you have to say is just what someone needs to hear. ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. ![]() Many of our moms have gone through their life looking for the void in their hearts to be filled. They have sought relationships that have failed, they have been abandoned by family and friends and they don’t know where else to turn. I heard a man on TV say today that he was a Californian, he didn’t know the state flower, he didn’t know how many square miles California was, he didn’t know what its counties were, etc., but he was a Californian because he was born there. He went on to say that sometimes that is the same way we are Christians. We can’t tell you very much about what it means to be a Christian, what God thinks of us, what Jesus says about this and that, or maybe, we have heard what is required of us, but we don’t necessarily follow it in our lives, however, just like the “Californian” we consider ourself a Christian. Maybe, we think we are a Christian because we belong to a church, or because we are American, or because our parents were Christians, and that makes us one too. However, only a personal, authentic relationship with God can fill our emptiness. So how do we get that kind of relationship? First, know that God loves YOU, He cares about you, and if you call out to Him, if you seek Him, He will make Himself known to you. Second, you must understand that we all fall short of who God is. You must own it, not just intellectually, you have to personally realize that you have offended a holy God. God is perfect, and there’s no way you can be enough compared to Him. We have all sinned (to “miss the mark” of God’s holy standard), and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). That sin, unless attended to, will keep you separated from God for all eternity! Scripture says that by grace (unmerited favor) you’re saved, through faith. It’s not of yourself, it’s a gift of God, not a result of something you did. God sent His son Jesus Christ, Jesus was 100% God, and 100% man, fully human, fully God. He died on the cross to pay the cost of your sin. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” But you need to receive Him by faith. When you walk into a room and sit down on a chair, you are doing so by faith. You believe that the chair will hold you up. You didn’t walk around it first, check its legs for sturdiness, rock it back and forth to check its balance, no, you put all your weight on it and just sit down. That’s the kind of faith you have to have in who Jesus Christ is, and what He did for you. John 14:6 says “Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me’.” You know you have an authentic relationship with God when every time you miss the mark, you run to God because you are sorry! So to all the moms who haven’t had everything in their life go perfectly, if you feel it’s too hard, or if you are tired and looking for help, know that in Christ you are stronger then you thought. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you - Philippians 4:13 ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. Why would we feel improvised in God? He has unlimited resources, and tells us throughout the Bible to ask and receive. There are many verses on receiving from God, here are a few: Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you...” Matthew 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive…” Luke 11:9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given you…” John 16:24 “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive…” What do you want today? Is it to be more conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ? Do we want our will brought into perfect conformity to the will of God? Do we want our desires to be on heavenly things? Our Heavenly Father will give freely – 2 Corinthians 9:9-11. Let’s ask these things of God. Let’s ask as Solomon did, he asked for wisdom.
![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling.
In all your times, times of joy, thanksgiving, sorrow, disappointment, trouble, just have a plain simple talk with God. Yes, prayer is talking to God. When you are with your best friend do you try not to talk to them? No, you want to talk to your friend, you want to tell him your hopes and plans, to ask for his help. Well, when you have faith in God you know that He is your best friend through Jesus Christ. God is always there, always ready to listen to you. There is nothing you can’t tell Him. Of course, He knows everything already, but He still wants us to pray to him. Though God desires to talk to us and spend time with us through prayer, it is also for our benefit, because we need a relationship with God. The point is, talk to God, because that is prayer. Sometimes when I can’t seem to get my thoughts together enough to pray, I write down what I am feeling, what I am saying to God. Don’t forget to listen too, to be quiet before God. You don’t have to be constantly telling Him something, or asking Him for something. “Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10. Be aware of God’s power and our security in Him. He is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (present everywhere), and omnipotent (all powerful). Because God is who He is, we can trust Him and surrender to His plan. Some people think that a church is the only place to pray, and God is happy when you talk to Him there. But that is not the only place God will listen to your prayers. Jesus prayed alone in quiet places (Luke5:16), He prayed with others (Luke 9:28), He prayed at the home of his disciples and followers. He prayed in nature, in the garden and in the desert, on a mountain (Luke 6:12). He prayed at all times, He prayed in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. He prayed regularly, Luke 5:16 says, Jesus often prayed. Jesus prayed for himself, as we see in John 17 and Jesus prayed for others (John 17:9). Not all our prayers will be answered the way we expect. Someone once told me, there is no unanswered prayer, God either answers yes, no, or wait. Wait and no can be a challenge! Once again we look to Jesus, to see how He handled it. In Matthew 26:36-44 we see that He prayed and said to God “Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (NIV). ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling.
Ways to encourage cognitive growth. Read books aloud to your baby and recite nursery rhymes, choose books that have brightly colored pictures that show common objects, point and make noises – say the animal sounds to go along with the animal pictures. Babies enjoy cloth books with different textures, and flaps. Have meaningful conversations with your baby, react to their coos and smiles, they are expecting you to respond. Provide lots of fun bath toys. Give your baby toys that let him push a button to make something happen, or activities like shaking or banging objects. Your baby wants to see the results of his actions, this helps him learn the “if-then” reasoning. As you can see, babies are not only growing physically during their first years of life, but also cognitively (mentally). It’s never too early to help your baby become all that they can be. ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. ![]() “…consider what great things he has done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24 It’s so easy to dwell on what’s not right, with ourselves, with others, with life. Right now, let’s consider what great things He has done for us. * We are loved by God, not because of who we are or because of what we have or haven’t done, but because we are reconciled to God – we can approach Him as a friend, through His gift to us of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. * He has given His Spirit to be our guide. * He has given us His Word to be our GPS…I know I‘d be lost without it. Let’s consider these things, and praise Him for the past, and trust Him for the future. ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. "The LORD will save me, and we will sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the temple of the LORD." Isaiah 38:20 Hezekiah was a good man who had been in great danger. He was fearful and thought all was lost, but now, in the verse above, he is recovered, he has acknowledged his mistake, and he is bearing witness to the fact that the Lord is always ready to save His people in every time of trouble. The Lord has saved us, and He will save us even to the end. He has power, and will show it; He has authority, and He will use it; He has sympathy, and He will comfort us with it. He is a Savior close to us and isn't far off. He is ready and willing to deliver us. Hasn't He proved this to us in our past experience, and shouldn't we trust Him for the future? In every danger cry out to God to save us; wait on Him in humble hope for a blessing; don't let worldly and unscriptural fears get in the way; refuse to listen to Satan, your own wisdom, or unbelief; keep on seeking until we obtain and enjoy God's blessing. THE LORD IS READY TO SAVE US. He will save us, rest in His love, and take joy. ![]() Karen O'Leary is the the Program Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. How can we correctly install and use car and booster seats to keep our kids safe? Did you know that studies show that car seat use reduces the risk of death to infants by 71% and to toddlers (1-4 yrs.) by 54% in passenger vehicles? Booster seats reduce the risk for serious injury by 45% for children aged 4-8 yrs. when compared to seat belts alone. As far as rear-facing vs. front- facing car seats go, each car seat has its own height and weight requirements – so you will need to check, however, most car seats allow children to sit rear-facing up to 40 lbs. The height limit for most rear- facing seats is that there must be a least 1 inch of room between the top of the child’s head and top of the car seat. When your child reaches the height or weight limit it is time to switch from a rear-facing to forward-facing car seat. Car seats expire, and when they do, they are no longer safe. Most manufacturers place an expiration date of 6 years on their car seats. Since car seats are expensive, people often pass them on or donate them without realizing this. Always check the expiration date before using them, and realize that if a car seat has even been in a minor accident it is no longer usable, and should be replaced. Don’t accept a donated car seat if you are not 100% sure of its history. I heard someone say, “You take your child to the doctor and dentist for preventative care. Well, meeting the requirements and new guidelines for car seats is preventative care too.” A car seat is one of the most important purchases you will make for your child. For parents that are concerned that they haven’t installed their child’s car seat correctly go to then, click onto Parents Central | Keeping Kids Safe| NHTSA. Under EXPLORE (on the bottom of the page), go onto Inspection Station Locator, put your zip code in and it will show you on a map where to go for help to install or check your car seat. ![]() Karen O'Leary is an Assistant Home Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. All the time is the perfect time to praise our Lord God Almighty.
When I wake up in the morning, before checking my email, or turn on the television to catch the news and weather, I could say my praises to God. Though you probably want to find your own praises, the ones that mean the most to you personally, here are a few you could use: “I praise you because you are a loving God, whose very nature is love…” This praise is in reference to 1 John 4:16 which says "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." “Lord, I praise you, who is just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus…” This praise is in reference to Romans 3:26 which says "he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus." “I praise you, Lord, for you are my mighty rock, my refuge…” This praise is in reference to Psalm 62:7 which says "My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge." Since God is the God of everything, let’s praise him, at all different times, everyplace, and in the midst of everything. ![]() Karen O'Leary is an Assistant Home Manager at New Beginnings. She has her BA in Bible Theology and her Masters of Divinity. She has 8-years of experience as a Social Director at a non-profit organization helping those in crisis with financial assistance, brief supportive counseling, and being a spiritual presence in their time of need. In her free time Karen enjoys reading, cooking and traveling. |
October 2019